There is a lot of pollution from coal that pollutes the environment, trying to make coal burn cleaner while preventing biodegradable energy is not good government policy. Coal power plants can be converted to burn biomass. The Atikokan Generating Station in Ontario, Canada stopped using coal in September 2012, and burns biomass. At full capacity, the Atikokan Generating Station generates 200MW of cleaner renewable energy. Hemp plants grow more biomass compared to other plants, if hemp was cheap to be produced into pellets, then the cost to operate biomass plants could be cheaper to increase the capacity of renewable energy.

Burning biomass has been found to burn a lot cleaner than natural gas, the Pembina Biomass Sustainability Analysis Summary Report said biomass has an average 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to natural gas.

A lot of homes still burn wood and wood pellets all this time Hemp burns cleaner. Hemp pellets are a sustainable long term solution. Biodegradable energy could have been developed a long time ago. Corrupt government policy tries to prevent Hemp from being cheap while other people get an advantage in business. Many governments, businesses, and schools invested in coal and other poison energy sources over the decades. Children deserve a better world to live in than people investing in poison energy sources and not helping make energy biodegradable.

It might be more cost effective to convert coal power plants to burn biomass than to shut them down and try and rebuild energy infrastructure.


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