Most Electricity in Ontario is generated from toxic Nuclear Energy, the rest comes from hydroelectric, coal, natural gas, wind, solar and not much biomass. Nuclear waste is toxic and radioactive. Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy could be obsolete if hemp was cheap and abundant without cannabis prohibition. Most Electricity in Ontario is generated from a government owned company called Ontario Power Generation. The cost to produce electricity with biodegradable energy could be cheaper without the ban on cannabis that keeps the cost of living high. There could be fair competition in business without cannabis prohibition, corrupt government policy is preventing biodegradable energy from developing and healing the environment. A lot of people are silent on this and don't really care if there is fairness. People could be living in better living conditions without the ban on cannabis.

Meat products make people sick and there are people that really don't care that hemp seeds have more protein by weight compared to meat or fish, hemp could be cheaper than meat products, and other things. Cannabis has anti-cancer effects, the ban on cannabis is causing more harm to society than any reasoning for the law, cannabis heals sick people, nobody dies from cannabis. The cost of medical care could be cheaper, taxpayers have a right to know what they are paying for and where money can be saved, Canadians could save a lot of money every year without paying so much in taxes. Cannabis heals sick people from so many diseases and health problems.

Although biomass burns cleaner than fossil fuels and other toxic energy sources, technology exists to develop biomass cleaner, and the type of biomass burned plays another role in how much pollution there is from biomass. Hemp burns cleaner than wood.

With an Election coming in October how can political parties not want to inform taxpayers how to save money? Are politicians educated about this information? Some people who do care get told to leave if they don't like it.

Source: Ontario Power Generation.


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