Pope Francis promotes inequality among people condemning drugs, which keeps food prices high so then the cost of Hemp seeds don't get cheaper to feed hungry people because of cannabis prohibition. Not all drugs are bad. Cannabis gets labeled a bad drug and science gets ignored how cannabis heals sick people from many health problems. A lot of sick people have been healing with cannabis from all the pollution the Catholic Church have invested into with fossil fuels for example. The pope supports social control against gods creations to make life more difficult. Think of how the Catholic Church have been supporting weapons manufacturers and not ending cannabis prohibition.

Why doesn't the pope protest oil companies destroying the planet we live on you need to ask questions who has been investing into all the pollution.

There are some bad drugs that kill people including alcohol and cigarettes and its no reason to have social control to keep prices high. If there weren't so many corrupt laws and regulations and no social control, maybe people would have a better outlook of the world. If the Pope could talk about the issue so then people have a better understanding to do their own research about drugs they take. By condemning drugs and cannabis, some people may think because government banned cannabis that maybe some bad drugs that actually kill people won't be so bad because cannabis is safe and gets called bad.


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