Failed policy is against Cannabis plants breathing in CO2 and healing the environment. Police pollute the environment to destroy cannabis plants and prevent plants from breathing in CO2. There have been many failed attempts at climate policy that is against cannabis plants breathing in CO2, preventing hemp food from being cheaper than meat is not fair. Cannabis is safer than all the meat products for sale so why are bullies trying to prevent hemp food from being cheaper than meat? Cannabis heals sick people from health problems caused by eating meat or other pollution as well. Pharmaceutical drugs cause a lot of harm when cannabis heals sick people.

Ending cannabis prohibition could allow for a lot of cannabis plants to be grown that would benefit the environment, forcing legal marijuana grows for medical marijuana businesses to grow indoors is actually causing businesses to consume more energy, hemp farmers have to buy new seeds every year and the over-regulation prevents cheaper prices. Some people say that the carbon in earths atmosphere is locked all this time failed policy is preventing lots of cannabis plants from breathing in CO2. Biodegradable energy from hemp can create a demand for plants to breathe in CO2 and a sustainable cycle for the earth.


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