The Documentary Fair Competition in Business was Released January 2, 2015 for sale on Youtube Soon the documentary will be for sale on Ceawe to stream as well. What if this important documentary has not been talked about because the cost of living could be cheaper and help improve people's lives? DVD's may be available in the next month, and if enough people support the truth I can get blue-ray disks made to have for sale on the website. Instead of limited business, there can be more business and a stronger economy, corrupt people are against fair competition in business and trying to maintain limited business.

Mainstream media talk about how much movies make and not tell people about a documentary about real life that is about pollution and the damage to the environment people cause while ignoring solutions. I spent a lot of my time, money and energy after working in a wood shop to produce this documentary while I have been single and looking for a girlfriend for many years, people have been trying to ruin my life and call me crazy and other lies. Gangs might have lookouts and people to make life uncomfortable for honest nice guys like me, people have been treating me unfair for many years when I go to bars sometimes some criminals make theats of violence against me and try and scare me away. I can't get all the years back that I spent on looking for a girlfriend, I used to logon there practically over 4 times a day until it got so depressing logging on and no girl will message me wanting a relationship while girls are attracted to corrupt guys that ignore the truth.

Art, music and movies could have more value, more people could appreciate creative work and not downplay important information that makes a difference.

This was updated to include the latest upload.


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