Communist China, the totalitarian state has warned it's citizens to not smoke marijuana, communist China and other totalitarian governments are using propaganda in their messages to scare their citizens from smoking marijuana, those corrupt countries have very cruel anti-drug laws which violate human rights. Communist China doesn't care if cannabis is legal in Canada they may enforce their harsh tactics against Chinese people who smoke weed in Canada, there is no way to know of communist China have paid spies in many countries around the world, in fact many countries have had spies in different countries around the planet since before World War 2, so it is unknown what China will do to enforce the anti-drug laws outside of China.

China gets praised around the world but it is a totalitarian government which violates human rights, China actually threatens nations around the world who criticize their harsh laws and abuse of human rights, kinda like a bully trying to make someone stop talking. Countries and media would be smart to encourage self sufficiency so better products made from superior Hemp building materials can be made locally and not have to import so much crap from Communist China and fuel the totalitarian government's human rights abuses, of course many countries support China's human rights violations and massive censorship of freedom of speech. One way to let China know their policies are failing is for a lot of people to buy as little as they can from China, honestly it's almost impossible in this day and age to not buy anything from China, but if enough people don't buy so many products made in China, then China might have to stop abusing human rights to gain customers back.


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