Isn't it bad enough people are destroying Earth and undermining sustainable solutions in the documentary Antimatter Future? What's the point in trying to terraform Mars if your poisoning the planet people will be living on? Elon Musk Wants to Nuke Mars and possibly Destroy Evidence of Alien Life, nuking Mars would contaminate Mars with radioactive nuclear fallout which would spread globally like the dust storms that circle the planet.

Musk does not claim to want to destroy Alien life but he did tweet about nuking Mars and said t-shirts will be available, if he realizes it or not, even NASA take the investigation of life on Mars more serious. We need to preserve Mars as much we can and build on places that have already been investigated, since nobody has been on Mars we haven't done a proper investigation to see if there is indeed some form of alien life on Mars, be it bacteria that's still left over or other native species to Mars, satellite photos don't give is the full picture. The Rovers have shown us Water did used to flow on the surface of Mars, if you heard the saying where there is water, there is life!

Image Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Considering the Martian global dust storms, lots of radioactive material would be released into the environment which is known as nuclear fallout, the radioactive material would be toxic for aeons polluting the water that does exist on Mars! Underground lakes on Mars would take hundreds of thousands of years to become pure after the fallout.

So not only does Elon Musk want to destroy evidence of alien life he wants to render Mars inhabitable for potentially hundreds of thousands of years, people wearing astronaut suits would still be exposed to small amounts of fallout, good luck getting something to be 100% sealed and make sure not 1 dust particle finds its way into the habitat!

Nobody knows how life originated, it's one of the greatest mysteries yet Elon Musk seems to disregard some of the greatest mysteries and go as far to make it harder to do a proper investigation. We don't even know for certain if life originated on Earth or if the ingredients for life were seeded from a comet, or piece of Mars. We might not find out with Elon Musks plan! Making human settlements on Mars could be done in a sustainable fashion that respects the scientific process to investigate. Even if somehow we don't find life on Mars, the process should be respected on any planet we try and settle.

It would be a shock to find out life on Earth came from Mars, Nuking Mars could very well sabotage the investigation of one of the greatest mysteries so we might never find out, the question where did we come from. If we investigate Mars and find nothing it will bring us closer to a better understanding of life, and if we find something, that changes everything. Life on Earth appears to have evolved to highly advanced forms at early stages, if life originated from another planet, or is common in the universe that would explain a lot. We don't know so we need to find out, what's what science is for.

Haven't humans learned anything from all the racist colonialism that stole land from Natives? I have shown numerous anomalies suggesting life on Mars all verifiable in the official science data at NASA.


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