The United Nations Undermines Vegan Solutions and People Believe nonsense BS Conspiracy Theories Because a UN Report says people need to eat less meat to reduce global warming. The United Nations has helped promote the meat industry and taught countries how to slaughter animals, anyone with an open mind should be able to recognize that a vegan diet is not some UN agenda since the UN has clearly been against vegan hemp food being cheap and abundant. I uploaded the documentary Overpriced in December 2016 I exposed the carbon tax as a scam I really exposed the United Nations climate change agenda I mentioned how people could eat less meat to help the environment at a time when the UN was not telling people about this. The UN supports the meat industry, several people in the UN eat meat, I see a lot of people are deluding themselves to think there is a United Nations conspiracy to remove meat from peoples diet! I expose the UN lies and agenda, at least the UN recognizes our planet is in danger I totally talk about how the UN is undermining how hemp can replace fossil fuels and help end world hunger! Notice the UN doesn't teach people the information in the documentary Overpriced?

I uploaded a video years ago called "United Nations Conspiracy? Hemp Superfood Banned" so clearly I'm not one of those anti-conspiracy people who live in denial I actually expose how corrupt the UN is, now finally the UN i recognizing the truth and a number of people are too closed minded to think climate change is a thing which plays right into the UN agenda to raise the cost of living and take more of our rights away in the name of fighting climate change. Earths history is full of evidence of climate changes happening many times over millions of years, funny lots of people who believe in conspiracy theories are ignoring the same information as the mainstream media.

It's amazing how some people actually believe the United Nations is against meat and that the Beyond Meat burgers at Tim Hortons are part of a UN agenda...I guess some people are as bad as flat earther's and portray themselves as more intelligent. The funny part is if the United Nations did not have the report and forced countries to increase meat production, those people would love the UN and destroy our planet with intent, I've heard similar responses from lots of people in real life. Are people are addicted to meat to the point society will destroy our planet render more land inhabitable because they think they need to eat meat? People have become accustomed to the taste of meat honestly it was harder than quitting cigarettes! People are so biased against vegans that they refuse to try good food just because it doesn't have meat...I can't believe how closed minded some people are they actually think they are fighting the UN agenda by supporting the meat industry!

I seen a news article from the National Post talking about the UN report its full of comments I took 2 screenshots to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Remember for years Mainstream media undermined a vegan diet and promoted the meat industry heavily, still to this day the mainstream promotes meat as if the meat industry is desperate to keep as many customers as they can. Fact is millions of people die from starvation and the UN is against hemp food being cheap, clearly the UN is undermining vegan solutions and people who ignore the truth and blame politicians are just as bad as the politics they blame! Kinda sad when even the mainstream media is waking up to the truth and "alternative" researchers who think they are awake live in denial! There needs to be more discussion of this in the alternative media, the meat industry have an advantage and most media sources are biased towards the meat industry, those are facts, a lot of alternative media get money from the meat and dairy industry.


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