Flat Earth Debunked Best Evidence

Posted on June 14, 2020, 1:51 pm by Megan O'Howe

If you thought nobody would believe in Flat Earth in 2020, your mistaken. Flat earth videos get millions of views. Here is some of the best evidence Earth is not flat and a sphere. A lunar eclipse shows Earth's shadow on the sun there is so much independent evidence to verify earth is round and we can develop cheaper space travel so anyone could afford to travel in space and verify whatever shape it is! Flat earthers live in denial and funny how flat earthers are against getting more independent verification. I've heard some flat earthers refused to look in a telescope somebody setup for them to look into. Flat earthers give real conspiracy research a bad image and the mainstream media got people to associate conspiracy research with flat earth nonsense. Real conspiracies happen, The Riots that happened in Minneapolis and spread is conspiracy, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer, and even law enforcement spoke out against agent provocateurs!

Flat earth goes against direct observation, we can see shadow lengths getting different size depending on where the sun is, we know if a car travels 100km an hour it travels so fast so when aircraft travel faster and travel but don't reach anywhere near the sun that proves the sun is not 3000km away otherwise the aircraft would fly into the sun!


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