Many Websites Lack Basic HTML Keywords

Posted on June 28, 2020, 12:39 am by Megan O'Howe
I've found many websites lack basic HTML keywords, description and even title which makes it more difficult for people to find their website from a variety of search engines that don't use Google. You would think in this day and age with so many people apparently knowing how to code that most websites would have proper HTML title, description and keywords, but sadly I'm surprised the number of websites added to the Ceawe search so far but the bad keywords a lot of websites use or lack of, means it shows up less in the results so far, for some businesses this can mean the difference between getting noticed and not even showing up at all.

If some web developers only care about their results showing up in Google which uses a different algorithm which may not give people a unique set of results they would find otherwise, how are people going to find the website as easy on other search engines?

Just because Google doesn't have basic HTML code for meta keywords and description, doesn't mean other web developers should too. HTML was designed with specific tags for title, keywords and description for a reason.

If you need help with learning HTML, has lots of information to learn HTML.

Below is an example of HTML code with proper HTML keywords and description. The keywords and description get filled into the content="" part inside the quotations. I can't believe I am writing a news article about this in 2020 but how do any web developers not know this?


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