Time Travel is a Myth Humans Invented Time

Posted on April 30, 2022, 10:59 am by Megan O'Howe
Humans long ago created time to help us measure our existence, early humans knew if they aligned rocks in certain formations they could use the shadows to know what part of year it is, or what part of day. Time is not something we can measure naturally, yet mainstream scientists still talk as if it's something we can physically measure. I'm glad scientists are finally discussing the fact time may not be fundamental to the universe, but to move our society forward in science we need to talk about the truth. We still don't understand dark energy, what if thinking outside time could help to figuring dark matter and dark energy out? Scientists "measure" time in atomic clocks by a caesium-133 atom spinning roughly 9 billion times. Who came up with that number? Why not measure how many times it spins once or 20 billion times? Almost appear like someone came up with the 9 billion number to try and incorporate it into what we observe a second as. Why not another type of atom like hydrogen since its the first on the periodic table? Flaws in mainstream science need to be pointed out if we are to move forward and not held back. I'm not saying time is not useful, it is, we can use our invention to make better sense of the universe, we need to know how many seconds a spacecraft must travel before a course correction it must be accurate timing, so time is very important in how we operate as a society but the universe could care less what we think of time.

You may have heard "trust the science" during the pandemic a lot, or "trust the experts," but can you blame people for having doubt when the experts themselves sometimes do make mistakes? If experts had owned up to their mistakes sooner maybe less people would refuse to trust anything they say, just a thought. At the start of covid-19 the World Health Organization bizarrely claimed there was no human to human transmission, clearly they made a mistake and some even wonder if the Communist Chinese government influenced them to say that since China literally had locked down parts of China while still allowing international travel when they knew they were dealing with something, Chinese scientists were suppressed trying to warn people.

A lot of people believe in the myth of time travel, let me be honest here time travel is a great concept in fiction but has no basis in reality. Let me explain and prove it with the laws of thermodynamics, you cannot create energy out of nothing, energy can only be transferred, those are fundamental to the laws of physics we know to be true. Considering how much energy would be required for the universe to remember every little detail down to every blade of grass and every detail in the universe would be far too much energy to be possible, every second the universe would need to remember every little detail and store that information, and who's to say the universe wouldn't remember every detail a million times per second if time travel were real? It's just too much energy to be physically possible, where is the time information stored in thin air? If time were real it would be measurable without needing to determine how many times something spins, we can measure temperature for example with a thermostat, no such device can measure something called time in the universe because we invented time long ago to keep track of our existence. Temperature is something real we can measure without instruments we feel the hot sun rays on our bodies.

People have incorporated something we invented into the physics taught in schools, which is not even true. Schools have helped spread the myth of time travel, in an age where people are opposed to misinformation how can schools get a free pass to spread myths? Schools undermined the science of cannabis helping with a whole array of health problems and science even shows cannabis can help prevent and treat covid-19, yet schools had vaccine mandates and did not have the information in discussion. There still is a war on drugs and people still associate cannabis with drugs but people seem to forget a lot of schools are there to make money, if their goal was 100% truth schools would not have undermined cannabis for decades and we would already have lots of science on hemp fuel which is very limited at the moment because of corruption. Schools made people think cannabis caused brain damage when the U.S. Government owns the Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants, neuroprotectants means to protect the brain from damage, neuro being brain, protectants are self explanatory to protect. If schools had truth at their heart they would have helped combat all the misinformation in the war on drugs so students can come to accurate conclusions.

If the establishment had taken the science of cannabis seriously, they could have gained more public trust, and when we experience another pandemic or virus, having public trust will be important so work must be done to gain trust by being honest in all scientific fields, don't give people an excuse to say oh look the scientists are corrupt and ignore science. If more people see honesty it helps build trust. It's hard to trust people who keep making mistakes.


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