Canada could easily grow more Hemp and end the hunger crisis, not just in Canada, but Canada could literally grow enough hemp to feed the world and save millions of lives. Excess hemp grown would result in cheaper biomass that would make it cost effective to make renewable energy from! There is a huge global demand for food and renewable energy. Hemp seeds are loaded with protein and healthy balance of omega-3-6, and many minerals missing from people's diet. This information has been suppressed for quite some time because the war against cannabis/hemp has been going on for almost a century now. The war has some roots in racism as well, racist propaganda from Refer Madness was insane! Hemp used to be commonplace in Canada and the United States in the 18th and 19th century, the United States alone had a huge demand of rope and sails for their ships which were made from hemp, it was the crop that made it happen because of the superior strength and qualities. In the 1600s some U.S. colonies were required to grow Hemp.

Quite a number of people who eat meat are biased against vegan's and if solutions don't include meat they aren't interested there is so much bias, Joe Rogan is very popular in Canada spreading antivegan lies, misinformation and transphobia, so generally a lot of people are biased against this information and don't want to help save lives. People's lives are at stake here starving people don't care what food they get they want food, hemp could easily be grown in Canada and literally end global hunger but unfortuately there is a lot of corruption to make sure this information isn't shared and talked about by our leaders who would be faced with the decision to change and inspire Canadians to help end global hunger and save the environment, or ignore solutions to save millions of lives worldwide. Get the gatekeepers out of the way! Growing lots of Hemp has more uses than food, fiber for building materials, clothes, plastic stronger than steel, renewable energy and more! Hemp is way too over-regulated in Canada like why not let it be grown like any other food crop? What's the fear? Nobody is going to be trying to get high from Hemp, in fact some people who grow cannabis outdoors are not going to be happy with lots of hemp pollen reducing the quality of the bud, growing cannabis will be best indoors anyway and if the cost of living is reduced people could afford it. Right now hemp farming is very limited it needs to be encouraged, we need to reduce the limits of cannabis plants people are allowed to grow to encourage people and farmers to grow as much as possible.

Getting rid of the carbon tax is a no brainer with lots of hemp plants we would have lots of hemp plants breathing in CO2, creating oxygen and ozone. Cheap oil and gas has allowed Canada to get as far as it did, we need competition to lead to actually replacing fossil fuels faster because when it's more expensive its more expensive to build the infrastructure to replace it. It won't happen overnight it will take a very long time but Canada's oil and gas is more ethical than from dictatorships so other countries would be better off buying from us. We need competition for cheaper prices and we would have a sustainable cycle of hemp plants breathing in co2 to compensate, I'd love all renewable but it's not realistic anytime soon. I'm not delusional like some people setting public policy who have no idea what they are doing. Hemp plants can grow in areas other plants won't grow so there is plenty of land that could be made better.

Everyone can make a difference even by sharing this article, every little bit helps we need pressure on the government to act now, not tomorrow, not next year, not 100 year from now, this year. Canada's Minister of Environment has a criminal record, there is a lot of corruption, Justin Trudeau doesn't care about Canadian people struggling with the cost of living crisis and housing crisis, I made the documentary Overpriced in 2016 before I came out as trans in 2021 I talked about the cost of living, housing crisis, global hunger. Trudeau's policies are opposite of how I advocate hemp healing the environment, it's amazing how so many people in Canada lie and pretend to be your friend, people seem to hate Trudeau a lot but won't support the information Trudeau does not want. I have very few friends, Trudeau claims to care about certain issues but it's all talk. Is it that hard to do something?

I'm struggling here paycheck to paycheck, I can't afford a lot of stuff in my transition because the cost of living crisis why won't people support trans owned media with solutions to actually help the environment and reduce the cost of living? A lot of people support a number of mainstream media and won't even read articles from a Canadian independent media source so people can learn more and not be left in the dark by the corporate media. Sad world we live in people support corporate lies and don't want small business to compete. Things could change so quick too.


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