Catholic Medical Association members actually wrote a majority of Florida's anti-trans reports for Medicaid. Last year the CMA and related groups actually declared a faith-based commitment opposed to approving any transition care! Hormone Replacement therapy is known to save lives and help people deal with gender dysphoria. Here is another blatant case of religion yet again against human rights. CMA has an allied organization called the National Catholic Bioethics Center. NCBC actually has policy for hospital mandates to misgender and deadname trans patients even after they had their name legally changed which is what abusive bullies do. The CMA and NCBC support bullying trans patients who routinely have their HRT discontinued when admitted to any Catholic facility to avoid cooperating with "evil". Those evil bullies want trans people to suffer with gender dysphoria About 1 in 6 hospital beds in the United States are Catholic. The NCBC have extensive arguments claiming social and medical transition are "always morally evil" and "never morally permissible". They are actually opposed to transition care in the US health care system which is an assault on democracy itself like a bunch of bullies wanting trans people to suffer and not have health care.

The CMA and related groups have a huge influence in the anti-trans process in Florida along with the political and legal action against gender-affirming care in the United States Healthcare system. In August 2021, the CMA filed a lawsuit along with ACPeds against the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Their leaders president Quentin L. Van Meter and executive director Mario Dickerson both claimed their members would not endorse any standards of care for supporting transition.

Will the current pope call out the CMA for going against gods word that he loves all? Nowhere in the bible does it say god hates trans people, nowhere does it say trans people are evil or the devil. Religion is getting in the way of health care which is scary for human rights and democracy. People expect to live in a Democracy here in Canada and the United States. Pope Francis is getting older and his health isn't as good as he learned traveling to Canada for apologizing for the genocide the Catholic Church supported in Canada's early history. There are already lots of reports from transgender people from their doctors giving them unfair treatment just because they are trans. The bible actually advocates for killing of gay people. It's no surprise why most of the most evil men in history believed the Bible and were responsible for mass murder, gave rise to fascism, and even genocide of millions, Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic, Pope Pius XII was Declared Ruler of the WORLD in 1939 during his coronation months before World War 2. Strange language and the historical context in 1302 Pope Boniface VIII declared "Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff." Subject to the Roman Pontiff? In other words slaves? Emperor Tiberius (14-37 A.D.) had coins with PONTIF MAXIM on them. Pope John XXIII, had "Pontifex Maximus" on his coins. The current Pope must condemn the evil anti-trans bullying by Catholics.

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them." Leviticus 20:13

Clearly there is language within the Bible advocating for murdering people just for their sexual orientation, and even supporting slavery. Hopefully the CMA does not take that part of the Bible serious or this planet is in serious trouble, if a lot of other countries are already anti-trans and abuse trans people, including murdering them, then an increase of anti-trans discussion is literally fueling an increase of anti-trans behavior worldwide since other countries see anti-trans laws and feel their laws are justified to stone people to death in some dictatorships. Divide and Conquer is a tactic used for thousands of years to divide people, there always has to be an enemy to divide the people, in this case trans people and LGBT in general are being targeted by corrupt laws against equality, against the pursuit of happiness and even the ability to make money starting a business since it's harder to find a job and hence start a business to make money.

"One who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall be put to death; the whole congregation shall stone the blasphemer. Aliens as well as citizens, when they blaspheme the Name, shall be put to death." — Leviticus 24:16

The Bible claims though shall not kill, except the Bible also contradicts itself advocating for murdering people just for not being believers and saying something the Bible says is "blasphemy", how much of the Bible are Catholics going to believe to deny health care to people? People need to be outspoken against the Church for this, this is pure evil denying trans people health care just because they are trans and their fascist beliefs don't care about science how DNA is not perfect at writing instructions and variations exist. Some people are even born with an extra chromosome so it's not out the question why gender dysphoria can impact trans people because we are literally born in the wrong body. There is more to gender than an outdated religious influenced belief of what is a man or woman, some actually try and define a woman as a woman born with ovaries, except quite a number of cis-women cannot give birth because they did not develop an ovaries, how is that fair to exclude women just to try and exclude trans women? That's based on hate and bigotry, not any scientific viewpoint or any morals to love thy neighbor.

Pope Declared Ruler of the World
Medieval Sourcebook: Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, 1302


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