A Hamilton man was arrested after a hate incident on a bus where he live streamed transphobic and homophobic slurs on YouTube, the video has since been removed on YouTube. The police said "Hate crime in Hamilton is not acceptable," in a release. "Left unchecked, hate crime can have a far reaching impact on communities."

The police also said "The incident has been reviewed by the Hate Crime Unit and an application will be made to classify the incident as a Hate Crime offence because of the perception the victims belong to an identified group. A hate crime is a criminal offence committed against a person or property which is motivated by hate/bias or prejudice based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or any other similar factor."


Josh - August 7, 2022, 7:14 pm
Who cares... bunch of pussys who are trying to limit speech
- October 16, 2022, 11:33 am
Your talking shit. Trans people are discriminated against a lot, what you think us standing up for our rights is trying to limit speech? Hate speech and discrimination was already not allowed on Facebook, YouTube etc... Look at how many views this has compared to all the anti-trans media who's trying to limit who? What platforms are promoting what? Exactly your just a troll, Facebook won't put fact checks on anti-trans misinformation but will put fact checks on a trans womans post I had shared about nobody having to pay a tax on money earned before 1910, the fact check even admitted nobody had to pay an income tax before but during the civil war some rich people had to pay a tax, the common people did not. Why did they fact check my post and many others same thing they admit its true but mislead people, but won't put fact checks on anti-trans misinformation I've debunked with science references and facts? Exactly stop trolling were the ones having our speech limited in many US states and other countries books with trans characters are BANNED LOOK WHOS BANNING BOOKS NOW!

Ignorant trolls don't have empathy no caring about human rights, communist China and Russia spread anti-trans misinformation and divide people against each other! They were anti-trans well before Texas or Florida passed any anti-trans laws they were created and influenced by the Catholic Medial Association with a FAITH BASED commitment against any trans care, sounds similar to how the Catholic Church gave rise to fascism and discriminated against Jewish people in a similar manner before the genocide. A PASTOR AT A FREAKING HIGH SCHOOL MEETING SAID LGBT+ DESERVE DEATH. Writing is on the wall the hate crimes can't be ignored. Assholes can't accept there is more to gender than male or female like there is in the animal kingdom, some species even transition from male to female! Authoritarian agenda is anti-LGBT anti-trans open your eyes.

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