The meat industry is on track to DOUBLE production by 2050 even though most land on earth is used for meat production and it's totally not sustainable, it's not even hype to say the ecoystem will collapse if the remaining rainforests and forests are removed to increase meat production. Where will we get our oxygen and trees breathing in co2? Not going to happen, doubling meat production would destroy our planet permanently and become more like Mars devoid of life. NASA is keeping a close eye on Lake Powell, the second largest reservoir in the United States being at the lowest level since filling it in the 1960s. There is a water crisis around the world from all the droughts and increased temperatures causing water to dry up in lakes and rivers. If people don't choose to eat less meat, as more farm animals die from heat or disease the meat industry won't be able to produce as much and prices will increase meaning you won't be able to afford as much meat. The meat industry uses far more water per acre than food crops and more water than the fossil fuel industry. Society needs to be sustainable about water, especially with a water crisis worldwide.

Good news, we can reverse this so the planet can heal, but not if people wait to 2050. Clocks ticking. If people are willing to destroy our planet and kill themselves in the process doesn't that prove meat is as addicting as heroin or meth? Addicts will kill themselves for their fix, so if people eating meat are willing to kill themselves by destroying the ecosystem that is more than enough proof meat is addicting. I have personal experience as well, when I went vegan over 10 years ago quitting was harder than cigarettes! I thought I was going to die! Even eating less meat and more plant based can make a difference for the planet and your health. If you actually love eating meat you should eat less so you can eat it in the future. Prices will keep going higher and eventually vegan food will be the cheaper option. The higher price of vegan food is not every encouraging for people to eat healthier, I'm vegan I can barely afford to eat enough fruits and vegetables! The government can't keep subsidizing the meat industry that destroys the planet when the government claims to care about the environment and telling people to eat healthier, can't you see the government are hypocrites?

Trudeau still eats lots of meat and doesn't care about his impact on the environment, he's a hypocrite. If you don't think governments will restrict meat in the future may I remind you most countries signed the Paris Agreement, I've been opposed to it and calling out the carbon tax in the documentary Overpriced I made, but it's still there and countries won't be able to ignore the devastating impact the meat industry has on our planet. Again if you love eating meat, eat less not just for your health, but for the planet and your ability to eat meat in the future, meat production would literally collapse if the ecosystem does double production and not enough oxygen produced by trees...Farm animals, and humans cannot survive without oxygen. Trees produce oxygen, but not enough if we cut lots more down to satisfy peoples cravings for meat. If the climate gets worse the farm animals will not be able to survive, heat waves are already having an impact making meat production less profitable. This isn't something people can wait to 2050, if people don't change soon, governments will force the change or the climate will force the change with the ecosystem on the verge of collapsing. I warned you.

People who hate vegans are going to find out the hard way...the climate can't handle the unsustainable food production system today. I don't get people who deny this, in my lifetime i experienced more rainfall and less drought in my earlier years, in the past 10 years way more droughts and less rainfall here in Niagara Falls and we are between 2 lakes and the Niagara River! We cant survive without fresh water.


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