ivide and conquer is one of the oldest tricks used to control people for thousands of years. Anti-trans laws are being passed without any scientific debate in some of the developed world such as the United States. The Catholic Medical Association members wrote the majority of Florida's anti-trans reports and declared a faith-based commitment opposed to any transition care! It's bad enough trans rights are being suppressed by authoritarian dictatorships, it's sad to see developed countries adopt anti-trans laws aligned with authoritarian dictatorships like Russia.

Katie Ledecky is a cis-woman she swam 4:24 in the 500 yard freestyle at the 2017 Women's NCAA Championships, that's a whole 9 seconds faster than Lia Thomas who swam 4:33 in 2022. The anti-trans media is popular spreading misinformation, so many anti-trans people are so far gone from the truth they don't even care Katie swam faster than Lia and does better. It's a shame honest media like this gets almost no support compared to the anti-trans media spreading misinformation, a lot of people claim to support trans people, but why not want our businesses to compete fairly?


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