Conspiracy Genocide Against Trans People

Posted on May 16, 2023, 8:19 pm by Megan O'Howe

Extremists against trans people are using the exact same anti-human language the Nazis used against Jewish people calling for eradication, almost word for word. There is a conspiracy to commit genocide against trans people, it's already happening because to erase a group or part of a group, or cause harm to a group is by definition genocide. Trump should know full well his followers and Conservative media are fueling hate and discrimination against trans people just like he is! His ideology doesn't allow trans people freedom so his followers think it's cool to bully trans people, they don't even consider it bullying because they actually think they are doing good, the Nazis thought they were doing good and caused so much harm, obviously they were not doing good with human rights at all. Republicans think they are doing good banning women's rights for abortion even in cases of rape or incest! People against trans rights have been making bomb threats and calling for violence against trans people or LGBT+ people in general. Bullies don't like how schools teach LGBT+ information and want to go back to the old days of bullying and not treating LGBT+ people like human beings. The Nazis had conspiracy theories about minorities and committed genocide, the Nazis suppressed transgender/LGBT+ information and culture, Himmler hated how people in the cities were sometimes same sex dating or being different than the traditional male or female.

Authoritarian states are fueling discrimination and hate against trans/LGBT+ people, when a government is fueling hate and discrimination and there are lunatics practically every week causing another mass shooting in the United States, this is a dangerous time. Republicans are not condemning even a fraction of the violence against the trans community. Some mass shootings have been targeting LGBT+ people or places. Republicans don't care about keeping the kids safe, actually put them in harms way because they oppose common sense gun control laws, they want to ban LGBT+ information in schools, ban books and oppose common sense gun control laws to do something about the mass shootings happening in public places and sometimes elementary schools! Last time the U.S. government banned assault weapons they never took peoples other guns...the misinformation makes it seem the government just wants to take peoples guns.

Anti-trans laws increase discrimination and hate, trans people experience more bullies, and more extreme than before when the far right are calling for eradication and getting support, they spread misinformation making people think LGBT+ people are "groomers" just for existing, it's an old divide tactic that has re-emerged. People against trans rights have been deliberately inflicting on trans people conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction in part and can't count out whole, several U.S. red states have anti-trans laws legalizing bullying, deadnaming and misgendering trans kids. Trump said he wants to ban all trans info in every federal facility for every age. Some red states introduced or passed bans on trans care for adults! They don't even like when trans people get some representation in the media! We need to get more non-voters to go out to vote in 2024 to make sure Republicans lose, some Republicans want to raise the voting age to 25 because lots of young people don't believe their BS.

LGB Alliance is against trans rights so not everyone who is LGBT+ is as trans friendly as you might think, most are supportive but a few bad apples so to speak. Some trans women somehow still support Trump and Republicans who oppose trans rights, some Jewish people joined the Nazi party so we all know history right? I've had people I know such as my older half brother argue that Caitlyn Jenner and Blaire White disagree with me on certain trans issues, I'm not going to trust 2 media personalities who support Trump who hates science, over professional doctors and expert opinion. Trans care is not new, trans people are not new, it was just way more rare before because the lack of media representation not as many people knew, the information was not taught in schools before, Ontario Canada only started in 2015-2018. Some kids who are not trans go on puberty blockers, yet people against trans rights want trans kids banned from going on the same puberty blockers so they can't hold off puberty to decide when they are 18 to start HRT, it's a long process not just handed out like candy. When I started to hear and see more people transition it gave me motivation to actually go to a doctor and do something to be happy in my body after years of denial when I learned, I started HRT in June 2021, I'm almost 2 years on HRT and almost 37 years old, I went over a decade not seeing a doctor I was neglecting caring about my own body it was hard to accept for me having grown up without transitioning being accepting. I know from my experience growing up without the information was damaging it impacted my grades, bullies took advantage and treated me unfair. If I had known why I felt different in school my life would have turned out better. I skipped class often it impacted my grades I had to go back a half year after 4 years of high school when the kicked me out for skipping so often because I was depressed and hated my body just wanted to wake up a girl but had no idea. About 1% of the population in Canada is trans. People in Ancient Greece were often openly bisexual, so LGBT+ culture has existed since the dawn of Democracy and actually the beginning. Don't be surprised why numbers went up a little after people learned and society became more accepting for people to be themselves!

Trump spreads lies claiming the 2020 election was rigged even after Republican led investigations didn't find enough evidence, Marjorie Taylor Greene has before called for physical assault against trans people and has called for a national divorce. The far right have declared war on trans people, there have been so many anti-trans laws passed in the USA at first mainly targeting trans kids but now adults in some states, trans care helps save lives and improves peoples lives instead of suffering. Do you honestly think they are going to stop if Trump wins leader for Republicans and loses in 2024? Trump is totally making sure a number of people won't even think about voting for Trump, he does have a large loyal following but it's not going to grow and appeal to more modern people who care about human rights and live and let live, love not hate. Trump may get more non-voters to turn out to vote against Trump, and he is still spreading misinformation claiming he lost because of election fraud. What could possibly go wrong with Trump supporters wanting a national divorce? Republicans are afraid to criticize or go against anything Trump says or does, like a dictatorship. They almost never do no matter how bad the scandal is and bad image it gives the Republican party. They are bullying trans people using anti-human language. This could go from bad to worse, trends already are which is why I'm sounding the alarm on this.

Think about why people are protesting against trans rights or protesting trans events but not protesting communist China or Russia's genocide and human rights abuses, in fact Trump has praised Putin and a number of far right media are pro-Putin and just like China have been telling the U.S. to stop helping Ukraine when Russia is illegally invading Ukraine! It's sad enough trans kids end up crying sometimes when people are protesting against trans rights, I really don't think people against trans rights understand or comprehend the damage they are causing to trans people and the trans culture in general since people are more afraid to express themselves in those extreme Republican U.S. states against trans rights. Many people have a total lack of empathy towards trans people. Books have been banned!

Florida has a law that allows the state to kidnap trans kids from their parents, even if they were just visiting the fascist state. That's forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Ron DeSantis has a war against Disney because Disney opposed his don't say gay bill and supports LGBT+ rights, political opponents are being suppressed by the state, some parents are leaving Florida for their kids safety. Florida has authoritarian anti-trans laws and Florida also passed a bill that allows doctors to refuse to help people if it conflicts with their faith or beliefs even if people are dying if they are trans and don't want to support them living they can refuse to help them. Florida is now going to be paving roads using a toxic radioactive material with Uranium and other radioactive elements of all things in with the mix that was banned by the EPA over 30 years ago! Uganda in Africa actually passed a law legalizing the death penalty against some gay or LGBT+ people, other countries also have the death penalty or stone people to death. Some countries are dictatorships fascism is popular in Russia not many dare go against the state they have extreme anti-trans laws kind of similar to Florida and Texas now have anti-trans laws like Russia! The Catholic Medical Association and affiliated groups have a faith based commitment against any trans care! About 1 in 6 hospital beds in the United States are Catholic. The pope has been fueling anti-trans misinformation!

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

"Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

a. Killing members of the group;
b. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
e. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group"


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